Acne scars can be treated with Microneedle. We now offer Microneedling with Morpheus 8 a radio frequency device.
Microneedling can also be done with HA ( Hyaluronic Acid) or with Platelet Rich Plasma.
When done with HA it is a cheaper procedure. We have performed these procedures for acne scars on the face and back. Generally the acne needs to be in control before these procedures are done.
When performed with Platelet Risch Plasma iit becomes a long procedure generally 2 plus hours. We draw 60ml(6 tbspoons) of blood. Process your blood in a centrifuge and prepare PRP about 7 ml. This is then used for injections in acne scars and for microneedling on the entire area with acne scars.
These procedures are performed by 2 physicians after local anesthetic is applied to the area for about 20 minutes.
When performed with Morpheus 8 allow 2 hours for the entire procedure including 45 minutes for local anesthetic to work.
Call for a virtual or in-office consult.